Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Introduction

As this is my last Sexson class, as well as my last semester of college, I am looking ahead into a period of transition. With this transition comes a plethora of questions not too different from those put forth in the beginning of class...

How do we live?

What do we do?

Peering inward, I consider these questions, but also a different one. I often meet people around me who say they think, believe, or idealize one thing, and yet their actions subsist in an opposite manner. We often use the word "hypocrite" to describe such people. Judgements aside, I consider my own actions; how I live, what I do.

Often times we put things in a chicken egg fashion, insisting that one precede another. However, the reality of a multitude of things happening at once, neither coming from another but, rather, both appearing, is significant. To gaze upon my own actions, and consider my response to them is an indication of my answers to "how do I live" and "what do I do". However, my reason also plays a role in directing the decisions I make about living and doing.

I have never read any Wallace Stevens, but my hope is to consider these things, to move forward in working out the beginnings of solutions to a couple of different questions...

How do I live?
What do I really want to do?

In pitting these against one another all at once, neither one being a chicken nor an egg, I hope to move forward, even if only a step, and be better for it.

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